Addiction Health Services Research Conference 2024

Welcome to the abstract submission portal for AHSR 2024! The conference will take place at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, CA. 

The deadline for submitting abstracts has passed. 

We will communicate decisions on a rolling basis between June 28 and July 31, 2024. 

Please visit the AHSR website to register for the conference!

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted by the person who intends to present the study in the case of an individual presentation, and by the chair/moderator in the case of a symposium session.

An author may submit maximum of two abstracts as the presenting author.

All accepted abstracts will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, unless you choose to opt out.

The deadline for all submissions is: Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT.

Individual Presentations

Please have the following information ready:

  • Abstract title
  • Submission type (oral presentation only, poster only, either oral or poster). If your abstract was submitted as part of a symposium, please do not submit it for individual consideration. 
  • Submission tracks – Please suggest a possible track for your research by referring to the table below
  • Structured abstract (up to 300 words, not including title) with the following included: 
    • Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, Implications
    • Do not include citations in the abstracts
  • Substance(s) your abstract focuses on
  • Disclaimers/Funding Statement
  • Whether or not you consent to publish abstract in a peer-reviewed journal
  • Presenting author and co-authors’ names, titles, and affiliations
  • Demographics of the presenting author with the following included:
    • Role, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Lived experience

Dissemination & Implementation ScienceHybrid trials, dissemination or implementation of evidence-based interventions/programs/policies
Health Disparities, Health Equity, & Racism
Research addressing minoritized populations, health disparities, social determinants of health
Health Economics & Policy
Economic evaluations, micro-costing, research examining impact of policies
Methods & Models
Big data, research designs, theories, models, and frameworks
Healthcare Systems & System-Wide Interventions
Approaches to address/measure quality, financing, other systems-level interventions
Treatment Development & EvaluationDevelopment and testing of an intervention, evaluating community programs
OtherPlease specify

Symposium Sessions

Please have the following information ready:

  • Title of the session
  • Name and affiliation of chair/moderator of the symposium. The chair/moderator can be the presenting author of a presentation included in this symposium or someone else. 
  • Brief description of the symposium (up to 300 words, not including title)
  • The proposal should include three or four abstracts. Each abstract should have the information listed above under individual presentations.

Symposium sessions will be 75-minutes in length.

Abstracts will be considered for individual presentations if the symposium is not selected. If your abstract was submitted for an individual presentation, please do not submit it as part of a symposium.

Early Career Investigator Award

You may be eligible to apply for an Early Career Investigator Award if you are submitting an abstract AND are a student in training or a researcher within 5 years of receiving your terminal degree (MDs must be within 5 years of completing residency). Individuals outside of academia are also welcomed to apply as long as you are within 5 years of receiving your highest degree. Learn more about the criteria and application process via this page.

For any inquiries, please email